26 Lettres: Abécédaire des mots en perte de sens
2013 to 2017
Reading of letters by 26 authors

First edition at the Never Lu Festival, Théâtre Aux Écuries, Montreal
May 3, 2013
Second edition at the Center du Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui, Montreal
December 10, 11, 2014
Third edition Ailleurs en folie Montreal / Quebec, Mons, Belgium
September 17, 2015
Fourth edition at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa
June 28, 2017
Duration about 2 hours
First edition at the Never Lu Festival, Théâtre Aux Écuries, Montreal
May 3, 2013
Second edition at the Center du Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui, Montreal
December 10, 11, 2014
Third edition Ailleurs en folie Montreal / Quebec, Mons, Belgium
September 17, 2015
Fourth edition at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa
June 28, 2017
Duration about 2 hours
First edition at the Never Lu Festival, Théâtre Aux Écuries, Montreal
May 3, 2013
Second edition at the Center du Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui, Montreal
December 10, 11, 2014
Third edition Ailleurs en folie Montreal / Quebec, Mons, Belgium
September 17, 2015
Fourth edition at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa
June 28, 2017
Duration about 2 hours
First edition at the Never Lu Festival, Théâtre Aux Écuries, Montreal
May 3, 2013
Second edition at the Center du Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui, Montreal
December 10, 11, 2014
Third edition Ailleurs en folie Montreal / Quebec, Mons, Belgium
September 17, 2015
Fourth edition at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa
June 28, 2017
Duration about 2 hours
First Version -
Festival du Jamais Lu, Théâtre Aux Écuries, Montréal, May 3rd, 2013
Second version -
Centre du Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui,
Montréal, December 10th and 11th, 2014
Third version -
Ailleurs en folie Montréal / Québec,
Mons, Belgique, September 17th, 2015
Fourth version - (bilingual)
National Arts Centre,
Ottawa, June 28th, 2017
Approximate Running time: 120 minutes
Language and words have the power to unite a community around images, references, and issues. They can also be blamed for many things. Often - especially in times of social upheaval - they are reclaimed, distorted, and reduced to meaningless verbiage, political spin, and media hype.
Twenty-six writers fight against this loss of meaning by reading out letters devoted to rescuing words they’ve chosen to save from oblivion. Words are dead, long live words!

The immense pleasure I get from words comes from the fact that they don’t mean the same thing to everyone. I fear that words have been turned into empty vessels capable of containing anything but meaning.
excerpt from the letter by Olivier Choinière

Conceived, written, and directed by Olivier Choinière
Written and read by Sarah Berthiaume, Michel Marc Bouchard, Dany Boudreault, Dominic Champagne, Olivier Choinière, Fabien Cloutier, Guillaume Corbeil, Stéphane Crête, Sébastien David, Rébecca Déraspe, Philippe Ducros, Carole Fréchette, Guillaume Girard, Jean-Michel Girouard, Christian Lapointe , Justin Laramée, Marie-Hélène Larose-Truchon, Annick Lefebvre, Catherine Léger, Jean-Frédéric Messier, Anne-Marie Olivier, David Paquet, Camille Roy, Larry Tremblay, Lise Vaillancourt and Julie Vincent.
Space and environment designed by Julie Vallée-Léger
Production and Stage Manager Marie-Aube St-Amant Duplessis
Music on stage Eric Forget
Coproduced by L'ACTIVITÉ and Festival du Jamais Lu
Conceived, written, and directed by Olivier Choinière
Written and read by Sarah Berthiaume, Michel Marc Bouchard, Dany Boudreault, Dominic Champagne, Fabien Cloutier, Guillaume Corbeil, Stéphane Crête, Sébastien David, Rébecca Déraspe, Philippe Ducros, Carole Fréchette, Jean-Claude Germain, Guillaume Girard, Jean-Michel Girouard, Christian Lapointe, Justin Laramée, Marie-Hélène Larose-Truchon, Annick Lefebvre, Catherine Léger, Jean-Frédéric Messier, Anne-Marie Olivier, David Paquet, Camille Roy, Larry Tremblay and Lise Vaillancourt
Space and environmentdesigned by Julie Vallée-Léger
Production and Stage Manager Marie-Aube St-Amant Duplessis
Music on stage Eric Forget
Coproduced by L'ACTIVITÉ and Festival du Jamais Lu

Quebec Writers Fanny Britt, Pascal Brullemans, Olivier Choinière, Marianne Dansereau, Véronique Côté, Rébecca Deraspe, Olivier Keimed, Justin Laramée, Suzanne Lebeau, Annick Lefebvre, Étienne Lepage, Michael Mackenzie, Emmanuel Schwartz
Belgian Writers Patrick Lerch, Véronika Mabardi, Stéphanie Mangez, Justin Laramée, Christine Van Acker, Thierry Janssen, Paul Pourveur, Bernard Cogniaux, Celine De Bo, Thomas Depryck, Stanislas Cotton, Anne-Cécile Vandalem, Alex Lorette, Florence Minder, Justin Laramée
Music Eric Forget
Tour coordinator Frédéric Côté
Production manager Annie Lalande
Ailleurs en Folie Montreal / Quebec
Curator Jasmine Catudal
Production manager Vincent de Repentigny
Coproduced by Le Manège Mons/Maison Folie, the Mons 2015 Foundation in collaboration with OFFTA.
Conceived, written, and directed by Olivier Choinière
Distributed, Published, and Translated by Olivier Choinière and Stevens McCarthy
Written and read by Marjolaine Beauchamp, Steven McCarthy, Olivier Choinière, George Elliott Clarke, Marilou Craft, Françoise David, Tanya Davis, Fred Dubé, Catherine Éthier, Alain Farah, Marie-Andrée Gill, Brendan Healy, Lindsay “Eekwol” Knight, Christian Lapointe , Michelle Latimer, Sook-Yin Lee, Pierre Lefebvre, Daniel MacIvor, Monia Mazigh, Jérôme Minière, Marie-Hélène Poitras, Gabriel Robichaud, Mary Simon, Paul Wells, Brandon Wint, Marcus Youssef
Space and environment designed by Julie Vallée-Léger
Production manager Charlotte Menard
Stage manager Guillaume Cyr
Music on stage Eric Forget
Producted by L'ACTIVITÉ in collaboration with the National Arts Center, Ottawa